Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Macaroni to my cheese.

 Hey there! Like the new digs? I am feeling pretty comfy here myself. I'm super elated that this renovation to my blog was not only pain free, but it was also easy! 
   Okay so here's the topic: It's the holiday that starts with the 22nd letter of the English alphabet, that time of year that most singles try to pretend that doesn't exist(and hide under a  rock for 24 hours) Here's another hint:

V_ L _ _ T _ N _ 'S    D _ Y! 

Need to buy a vowel?  Okay, enough with the puzzles Sajack, of course I am talking about valentine's day, But Vday and I aren't really on speaking terms this year, so it's probably best to leave it as the "Holiday who shall not be named." The only thing I am looking forward to on 2/14/12 is the release of a Jason Mraz single. Yes a CD single, and they do still exist. I like to see that my music is real (and ooooh shiny), and know that I can always pick it up and pop it into my CD player. I don't care if it is 1984 technology, it suits me. I do like Mp3 players for working out and such, but in my car I am still rockin' it retro.
  But back to Cupid day...I know that I have rambled on about my lack of a love life before. My Facebook page has started charging me rent for posting the words "Single" and "Lonely" too many times. The check's in the mail, Zuckerburg. 
   I am really feeling it this year, though. It's been so long since I have been in a real and functioning relationship, that I wonder if I even know how to do that anymore. Did I know what I was doing before? I mean if I did, I probably wouldn't be a 29 year old divorcee' who looks forward to coming home to her spoiled cat every night. I am trying to do the best with my life, but I have never been one to want to push myself on people. The last thing I want to do is come off desperate and needy.(It shows, right?) People have told me to get out there, try new things, go to church....I'm sorry but if I am going to church, there is only One on my mind, and He has already proven his unconditional love to me. That being said, I do want to be with a Christian man and someday raise a Christian family. I know that my best chances of  bumping into to someone like that would be at church or a church affiliated event.
   I have always daydreamed about meeting "The Guy" at a grocery store. Something simple, like we both reach for the same box of mac and cheese and then our fingers accidently touch. He smiles and I blush and then we start a conversation about how we both love the simple, yet yummy entree that is macaroni and cheese. We could live happily ever after just because of this blue-boxed wonder. I know this will probably NOT happen, because if it is crazy enough for it to be a production of my silly daydream, than it more than likely won't be suitable for real I am watching my carbs right now, so I doubt I will be venturing down the pasta aisle anytime soon.
   Patience has never really been one of my virtues, but c'mon fate, it's been like 6 years since I felt like I was in a mutually loving relationship! That is a loooong time for a hopeless romantic type like me. In fact, because of just how long it has been, I feel like I am losing a bit of that lovin' feeling towards love. I am kind of getting used to flying solo. I certainly do not feel like I did when I was drowning in sap and gushy love mush a few years back. I am either growing out of it a bit, or just growing up. Maybe both.
   I can't complain too much, because besides my dried out wasteland of a love life, I am teeming with blessings in many other areas of my life. Just this week, a friend who I grew up with in school, lost her battle to cancer Tuesday leaving behind a loving husband and two little ones at home. How so truly and deeply tragic. I'm sure the last thing on their minds is Feb.14th. If you have some time in your day, please say a little prayer for this family in Greenwich, I know the Man upstairs will know exactly where to direct it to.
   Well, that's it for this blog. Despite my bleak looking chances at the upcoming Hallmark holiday, I do wish you and yours a wonderful day filled with lots of X's and O's. Thanks for Reading!

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