Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Good, the Bad, and the Portly.

   On my facebook page, I asked if my friends could come up with some good blog prompts for me to rant about and one of them was about my weight loss journey and wanting an update. It has been a couple months since I declared bankruptcy on my fat and I thought I should let you know what's a shakin' lately(or not shaking as much anymore...lol)
  Well, there is good news and then there is great news. The great news is that I AM losing weight. The good news is that it's only been about 15 pounds so far. I dare not say that losing ANY amount of weight could ever be a bad thing for me, however, I am just gonna lukewarmly celebrate my little loss for now. Why? because I need to push myself a bit more. I am becoming more aware of my bad habits and that is a very valuable tool, because then I can make sure that I don't sabotage myself by repeating those same habits.
   Here's an example of one of my bad funks: During the day, I am the perfect example of what healthy eating and good choices are. I am super picky about what I eat and drink. I push the water, I eat the protein, I nosh on the veggies. I drink the tea. All. Day. Long. THEN-------> I come home. And as I am driving home, I pass all the tempting and yummy restaurants, bakeries, and stores. My eyes get big and little evil thoughts sneak their way into my good graces. "Oh, I could stop and get a cookie, I have been good all day! I deserve it." Says one of the munchie monsters. I don't always listen, but let's be honest here, sometimes I do. Then, I try to figure out what I can fix for one person that is a sensible and budgeted meal. So, that can also push me more towards the neon signs that lure me in with their convenient food. I tell myself that it's all good because even though there are horrible awful things on most of the menus, there are still some sensible fare to choose from as well. I love to bake, but I capital H-A-T-E to cook for only me. It's a waste, it's no fun, and I don't like it, so there. If I am able to block out the evil tempting thoughts for the evening, I am still in trouble when I go babysit at night. Sunday-Thursday night I am usually headed to babysit and these lovely people do not have weight problems, but there is temptation everywhere! Freshly baked cookies on the counter with their lingering delicious wafts of yumminess tickling my nose and making me salivate. I try to not notice, but how do you do that? That's like sending a junkie into a crackhouse with a wad of Benji's in his hand. Too flippin' difficult! -And that is just one instance of the kinda food they have there! I know what your thinking, "Poor little girl and her 1st world problems." But it IS a problem, and you can't quit food. We are programmed to respond to it when it smells/looks/tastes so good. I have hyper senses too, so that doesn't help either.
  I do want to end this on a good note, though. I have been enjoying exercise much more that I thought I ever would. Aquacize is a God send and I can't wait to get back into the water once I am not in so much pain from my pinched sciatic nerve issues. Now that I know what is causing the pain, I can start swimming again so that I can feel that hydro-massage of the water as I work up my heart rate and muscles in the pool. 
   Thanks for anyone who has been rooting for me as I make a healthy change in my life. Somewhat slowly, but surely I am shedding the LiBbies and before ya know it, I'll be struttin'. :)


Eeek...Kinda creepy, No? LOL



  1. ha! Love the head on the model..hilare :) KEEP IT UP! Next time I see you I want to be celebrating your 30 lb loss! :)
