Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Blog-ginings

Well, well, well...Here I am again in the blogger world! I used to spend my time spurting out random brain droppings on a lovely little forum that we might all remember being called "Myspace"? However, Myspace became all bananacakes and I decided to try out  Facebookland. I couldn't see myself writing blogs on notes, So...I needed some new digs for my blog and here I am!
   I just want to give everyone an idea of who I am. I love many things but I would have to say that around the top of my list, I'd have to put kids, the elderly, and animals. That is the trifecta that has been keeping me employed since 1999. I have probably worked with kiddos longer than I have the elderly, but I love them both just as much. I haven't really ever worked in a job around animals, but I take care of a spoiled cat named Bailey, everydayofmylife. Which is all fine and good with me...in fact I actually like taking care of the lil' nipper.
  I am a 29, single (woot!) divorcee' who has had a fair(or should I say unfair) share of LA-HOO-SA-HER's and just guys who don't fit into my...without sounding rude and slightly unrealistic, my idea of "The guy". I am Christian and it is a wee bit more difficult to find a guy who can not only understand my choices in life, but can be willing to allow those choices to exist in a relationship between us. This does not mean that my future suitor must be a pastor, but I would like that the majors in our life to match up pretty well. So who has problems meeting these type of guys in a small, unexciting town of nowhere? That would be moi. Enough of the whining though, I have a pretty awesome life with or without a dude. I would like to be married again someday and would definitely like to have some chitlens running around in a good family home. So that is the nutshelled version of who I am. Make it a habit to stop by, put up your feet, and enjoy the randy randoms that I often overshare with anyone who is curious as to what may be floating around in my head! Thanks for reading!
Here is the big guy, Bailey Bugg

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