Friday, December 2, 2011

It's the Most Craziest Time of the Year!

 Sooooo.... I have been a resident of Slackerville, USA as of late in regards to my blog and before I realized it, November literally came and went. My new blogbaby went naked for Novembre and now I am faced with coming up with some of December's rantin' and ravin'.
  I know that I promised pics and a recap on my mom's 50th birthday bash, but we have had some upload issues from the picture CD and the photog just mailed us the new one, so since I have been uber busy lately, I haven't had time to do anything like that. Maybe someday I will post about my mom's party, but not today. Plus it's my blog, my rules...right??? Sure.

   Anyways, enough of the mindless rambling and on to the intentional rambling...I have got to say that I am excited for Christmas! At work we have a big Christmas tree that has paper candy canes with all of the resident's names on them. The staff is invited to take one and make Christmas special for that resident. It may have been the Constant streaming of Holiday Muzak that had been ringing in my office all day that made me go a bit cray cray, but I took 3 paper canes and now I have to come up with 3 different ideas/gifts to brighten these residents up for this special time of year. I have "Sucker" written and flashing in Christmas lights on my forehead, but I don't care. These residents are like family to me and I am getting excited about coming up with some ideas to make them smile. Two out of the three that I have chosen do not have actively involved family members to celebrate with them, so I wanted to make sure that they feel like a part of mine. I get warm and fuzzies just thinking about it.
   Oh speaking of work, I had a very embarassing MORTIFYING episode there on Wednesday morning. I headed into the office and sat down when my boss came in with a little baggy and placed it on my desk. He asked if I would make a run to the hospital and drop it off. "Sure boss, I will get right to that!" (Okay maybe I didn't exactly sound THAT cheerful, it was 8am mind you) The baggy was facing upwards  where you couldn't see the contents inside. Eventually, I picked it up and turned it over and saw a glimpse of what was really in the bag. It. Was....A VIAL OF BLOOD!!!! *Cue the super dramatic music!* Okay, I know what you are thinking. DRAMS QUEEN and yes I can say that I am guilty of earning that title more times than not. BUT--I was tired from lack of sleep, a bit queasy from no breakfast and was caught off guard by seeing a foamy, vial of dark red blood. I hate needles, I hate blood, but I don't usually get lightheaded at the sight of them. I just loathe their existence. I immediately put the bag down, shut my eyes and tried to think happy thoughts. "It's just grape juice, It's just grape juice" was on repeat in my head. Then I had the bright idea of trying to get it off my mind by running an errand down to one of the nurse's stations. Not a good idea at all, kiddies..I didn't make it halfway down the hall, when one of the housekeeper's saw me and asked if I was ok. I think I said, "No, I am about to pass out, so I think I need to go home." What? Why would I say that I needed to go home? LOL. She immediately got the nurse and she almost had to catch me. She grabbed a chair and had me sit right in the middle of the busiest hall in the entire building. Everyone kept looking at me like I was dying, and I am sure that I was as white as a sheet. The nurse asked me what was wrong and I told her I saw blood. I had to embarrassingly admit what was really wrong with me and I could tell she was trying not to chuckle. So, I sat in my chair-o-shame until I felt some life return to my body again. It didn't take too long, because the LAST thing I wanted was every staff member gawking at me like I was one banana peel slip from the grave. I made it back to the office where I had noticed that I had bumped the ice water off of the desk and onto the floor on my way to "distract myself" and someone was already there picking up the ice cubes. Oh geesh, I had 8 more hours of this day left! Before I could even sit down again, I saw my boss carrying the baggy down to another office to ask someone else to take it! I profusely apologized and promised that next time to be safe, if he brown bagged any suspicious bodily fluids, that I would be more than happy to run them to the hospital. He smiled and said that he was glad that I was okay, and to not worry about what had happened (Wow-news travels fast!). Shewww...glad that is over, but there are still some aides that kid me about it. I just turn red and giggle, hoping they aren't really analyzing my craziness too much.
   So, I made it through the rest of this week that was filled with even more issues (non-work related) that aren't in the slightest funny or entertaining. In fact, they suck in the suckiest form of suck. But, I am getting through and I am coming out stronger and a bit wiser...and I need all the smarts that I can get!
   Here's hoping EVERYone has a better, brighter week! Thanks for reading :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

New jobs, Old kitties, and Sweet babies, Oh my!

 MMMMkay. So these past couple of weeks have been pretty busy. I have started a  jobsy and have been learning tons of new info. I do love my position as a receptionist/accounts payable/tour giver/QA provider/filer/mail getter and all around friendly face of a nursing and rehabilitation center. What's not to love? I have 80 new grandparents! I miss teaching the littles, but I am still on my way to trying to get closer to have that diploma in my hand. It just seems like it is taking foreverandaday...and honestly, that is mostly due to being screwed around with the last school I transferred from(and if I get into detail about THAT school, I will get angry, and I just don't need that right, I repeat "Serenity Now" to get me through that bad thought, breathe, annnnnnd we're good.) 
   I have also been getting ready for my momma's 50th Surprise Birthday Bash. That woman has been my everything through out my life and the LEAST I could do is celebrate her right with family, friends, Co-workers, and the residents she adores at the nursing home where she is employed. That little sneaky sneaker is catching on though, and I have had to utilize some of her co-workers to throw her off the trail she's been sniffin' out. I have hired a professional, and dear friend of mine, photographer to take pics so that no one has to miss out on the festivities by snapping away. It will also be nice to have them professionally taken and edited by someone who is really good at what she does. It's the best keepsake I can think of, and ya know this girl is gonna be a postin' fool when I get the pictures back. So no worries, I will be doing a post birthday blog.
   Everyone is getting pregs these days! I swear, I have my sister, a cousin, 3 close friends of mine and a boss whose wife just had his. Sometimes I feel that I am gonna be an old momma by the time I have babies and everyone else's kids will be half grown. Ay yie yie....All of that will happen for me someday, whether biological or adoptilogical. I just need to pull from those patience that I have in most other areas of my life. Bailey is my baby for now and as crazy as it sounds, when I bathe and groom him, I sneak in a little baby lotion to make him cuddly and yummy smelling. It also makes his fur silky and soft. He isn't really a fan... but he who feeds, makes the rules, right? Right. Bailey is doing better now, since I had to put down my 13 year-old-ball-of-orangey-cat fur-love, Binx. Binx was Bailey's buddy and he followed him EVERYwhere. Poor Binx took it all in stride and even kind of became a surrogate daddy to Bailey. On more than one occasion, I would catch Binx grooming Bailey and swishing his tail around so Bails could bat at it. When I had to make the very difficult decision to put Binx down due to kidney failure, Bailey seemed lost. I accidently called out for Binx the day after and Little Bailey came running around the corner in hopes he could find his beloved Binky. I couldn't help but cry realizing that neither one of us would ever get to see him peek around the corner to greet us. Now I am the one that Bailey follows all the time and of course that is fine with me. 
 So, I suppose that is enough rambling for one night, plus too much Binx talk and I could get all weepy again. It has been almost a month and the sting is still there as the memories of me holding his sickly body while they stuck the shot in to end his suffering. Yep, still hurts.
 I'm gonna end this on a happy note...I get to see my little Layla buggy because she is spending some time with Aunt TT this weekend! Yay for little sprouts who make me smile :) Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Blog-ginings

Well, well, well...Here I am again in the blogger world! I used to spend my time spurting out random brain droppings on a lovely little forum that we might all remember being called "Myspace"? However, Myspace became all bananacakes and I decided to try out  Facebookland. I couldn't see myself writing blogs on notes, So...I needed some new digs for my blog and here I am!
   I just want to give everyone an idea of who I am. I love many things but I would have to say that around the top of my list, I'd have to put kids, the elderly, and animals. That is the trifecta that has been keeping me employed since 1999. I have probably worked with kiddos longer than I have the elderly, but I love them both just as much. I haven't really ever worked in a job around animals, but I take care of a spoiled cat named Bailey, everydayofmylife. Which is all fine and good with fact I actually like taking care of the lil' nipper.
  I am a 29, single (woot!) divorcee' who has had a fair(or should I say unfair) share of LA-HOO-SA-HER's and just guys who don't fit into my...without sounding rude and slightly unrealistic, my idea of "The guy". I am Christian and it is a wee bit more difficult to find a guy who can not only understand my choices in life, but can be willing to allow those choices to exist in a relationship between us. This does not mean that my future suitor must be a pastor, but I would like that the majors in our life to match up pretty well. So who has problems meeting these type of guys in a small, unexciting town of nowhere? That would be moi. Enough of the whining though, I have a pretty awesome life with or without a dude. I would like to be married again someday and would definitely like to have some chitlens running around in a good family home. So that is the nutshelled version of who I am. Make it a habit to stop by, put up your feet, and enjoy the randy randoms that I often overshare with anyone who is curious as to what may be floating around in my head! Thanks for reading!
Here is the big guy, Bailey Bugg