Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Story of Us.

 I remember not so long ago, the girl who wrote quite frequently on her chronic singledom. She was happy with the life she lived, but something certainly seemed to be missing. She knew out there somewhere there just had to be someone who could love her, even when life told her there wasn't anyone right at that moment. She was quite particular about the potential contenders for her heart and many times she would find a way out before anyone could steal what once had been very broken. It took some time but this girl, who seemed to somehow grow into a woman overnight, started to get a bit braver each day. She had some work to do on herself and some kinks to iron out, but she was seeking out the real deal this time and knew that when she met him, it wouldn't take long for her to know that he was who she was looking for. 
  That same girl remembered a guy who was a bit shy, really smart and seemed to be a genuinely sweet person. She had seen him many times in the same circles that she had frequented, but never got to know who he really was. He had accomplished a lot of impressive goals and came from a very nice upbringing. She respected him, but it wasn't meant for her to know him yet.

I remember a time, a distance, where these two led separate lives. She tried love, lost it and remained a bit stagnant in life for awhile. He tried love, lost it, and  tried to find a comfort in the chaos. There were nights with many tears and tragedies for both of them. Each one trying to cope with life on their own. They didn't know that someday, they would find the love and comfort they were looking for  in each other and that one day he would reach out to her again. She was a bit hesitant at first because the last thing she ever wanted to completely turn over, was that vulnerable part of herself that she kept hidden from most. But she remembered that when it was the right time, she would be able to give it freely to the one who took the chance to reach out to her. On a random March night, not many months ago, he made that initial contact. They talked for hours and hours about everything and anything that was going on in their lives. It seemed almost impossible for two people to click so easily and so quickly. 

I remember the night he came over to my house. Carrying a pineapple, instead of flowers and a big smile on his face. I will always remember that smile. I will remember that smile when this Saturday I take his name. I will look for that smile in our children if we are blessed to have them in our future.  I will remember that smile when someday I close my eyes for the last time and drift off into eternity. 

I will always remember how we got here. The long and bumpy road it took to find each other again and the relief I feel to know that those darker days are over now.  I will remember the butterflies, the tears and the first time he took my hand in his. I will always, always remember us.