Sunday, October 14, 2012

What really stirs my liver

   First of all, I want to say that it has been a bajillion days (minus a few jillion) since I have posted on my poor blog. I am sure all 3 of you out there have been waiting on baited breath for my next brain spill, so here it is!!!

So judging by my blog title, you may be asking yourselves, "Stirs my liver" what is she blabbing about now?
Well there is (and always is) a story behind that little saying.
   It was invented by a friend of mine in high school. She was gorgeous and fit and toned as a brick. However, while being incredibly smart in school, she would say some things that got me scratching my head a few times...she would mix up her thoughts and funny stuff was constantly coming out of her mouth, but not on  One day she seemed very agitated about something I have now long forgotten and she ended her vent with, "Man that really stirs my liver" Being the concerned and thoughtful friend I was (lol) I held back my giggles and kept the concern face on until enough time had passed when I could tell her it was funny without making her feel bad. So...this blog is dedicated to my friend, who despite all the wonderful blessings we have in life, there will still be those little things that "Stirs our liver" and here are some of mine. In list form, of course!

1. "Yeah buddy". I hate this phrase...but what I hate even more,  is when people say it in that annoying voice that EVERYone says it. (You know you just said it like that in your head right now LOL)

2. When someone tells you that they are sooooooooo x10000000000 excited/bummed about something and then proceed with, but I can't tell you about it...Sad face. Well then don't tell me to begin with!

3. When I have a dream (and the dream could be about any random thing) with someone who is merely an aquaintance of mine. It weirds me out about anytime I have another real life interaction with them, and they can't help it because it was just their dream form that I had coffee with or got into argument over something.

4. Yogurt lids. Can you ever really peel them off without getting gooey Chobani all over your fingers? Oh, you can? well, not this girl with fleshy hot dog fingers.

5. "Jesus is my boyfriend" Christian songs. You know the ones...They are love songs, but could easliy be played on any hit radio station, just by replacing "Jesus" with the name of your latest flame. No, those lyrics do not really speak to me in a Christian sense and if you want to be famous for your musical gift, please choose a genre that works for you. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I think some people use the Christian music genre to get their song out. I could be wrong, but it just seems too watered down for me.

6. Since I am on the subject of Christianity...I really don't like it when people think that Christians have to be "Perfect" Like we have to walk around all the time with big smiles on our faces and never mess up. I know that Christians are to live their lives as an example and to shine a bright light, but I will NEVER on this earth be even close to perfect, ever. I feel like I fail a lot more than I can publicy admit, and thankfully God still loves me! I feel every emotion that everyone else feels...including anger, sadness, fear, frustration (obviously) and many other unpretty feelings. The difference is though, that I don't have to face all of those things alone and if I'm smart I will rely on God to help me through those ugly moments. That being said, if I do mess up big enough, God will let me know! And you know what? I'm a much better person for it.

7. When it is -64 degrees out and you go to open your car handle on the door and it breaks OFF because of the artic temperatures...and then you don't save your money wisely and you keep forgetting that your car door handle is broken until you have your hands full of stuff and try to open it with your pinky.

8. Oh yeah #8 is going to be dedicated to any kind of car problems, accidents, or stupid car inconveniences in The only thing I really care about where a car is concerned, is that it isn't falling apart, looks decent and that it gets me comfortably from A to B.

9. Ending a list on an odd number. But hey, it's getting late and I gotta get up early, so I will have to deal with a little of my own liver stirring tonight!

Thanks for reading :) Life is really a wonderful thing most days, but we will never be free of the little inconveniences that pop up now and then...but if we didn't have them, what on earth would I be able to blog about on a late Sunday evening?! I'd say we have found that silver lining, don't ya think? ;)
